Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Activity Day - 15 July

9.00 am - 12.00

 Our next activity day we have plenty to chose from:

Barbara will be demonstrating a new block using 9 square patches that are cut to produce an interesting block.

Jenny D will be again holding crocheting workshops for those interested. Let Jenny know if there is something you are interested in learning.

Come along and get to meet some new friends. 

Monthly Meeting - 24 June

Today we celebrated Sunshine Linus's 14th Birthday with a lovely morning tea beautifully presented by our wonderful catering team who do a great job every week but really went that step further this week. Thank you ladies.  Judie Bellingham, who was one of the founding members, gave an overview of how Sunshine Linus started and grown over the years.

Variety of cakes, slices, sandwiches and
 sausage rolls

Val having one last cuddle of the Kanyini bears she has been lovingly collecting throughout the year for Buderim Private Hospital to celebrate NAIDOC week 7-14 July 2024.  This year our total was 105 bears.

Our President Sharon and Claire were invited to Palmview Special School for a thank-you morning tea.  They were surprised when presented with a special painting the children had made in appreciation for all of the lovely wall hangings, song mats and other items they have received.  
"The painting represents the transformation of our students at Palmview Special School. Who continue to amaze and surprise us everyday."

Inspired by the story "Fuzzy Doodle" 

Show and Tell 

Barbara showed a wheelchair quilt she completed after the last Activity Day where she demonstrated the Quilt as You Go method.

Leonie produced a rug using fleecy leftovers

Sharon showed a Renal quilt with a
 pocket for feet on the back
of the quilt. These are in high demand.

Rosemary produced a Touchy Feelie
tablecloth 120 cm diameter

Claire has just completed her 6th 
"The Hungry Caterpillar" wall hanging. 
This one is going to Gympie Special School.

Another wall hanging for Gympie
Special School - "Body Parts"

A selection of quilts made by our wonderful members.

Small section of members.

REMINDER: Next meeting 29th July
Norm's Testing and Tagging will be visiting, so bring your machines and/or overlockers, together with pedals and cords if you would like them tagged and tested. (A requirement if you are going on the Retreat at the end of the year or if you bring your machine to the hall for an activity day).

Nambour Show - 14-16 June 2024

This year we were lucky to have 2 display cases and wall display area near the handicrafts section. 

Display area for Sunshine Linus

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Activity Day - 10 June

 Another successful Activity Day where we were shown at least 3 Quilt As You Go techniques by Sharon and everyone was eager to share their techniques and tips and tricks.  Also a group were guided by Sue, sorting notions, patterns etc from the 'freebie table'. Another group led by Glorianne sorted through the boxes of materials to hopefully make it easier to find material for the next quilt, bag, clothing item etc.

Busy sorting freebie table notions

Lovely crocheted baby blanket finished by Marion 

Sorting material