Wednesday, May 27, 2020

It's Our Birthday!

Hi Everyone, thought it would be great to begin this month's blog post with a message from Sunshine Linus' President Susan:

"We’ve made it to double digits! This month is our 10th birthday and like everyone we have spent it in isolation. Plans for a big celebration have gone by the way and will have to be moved to a big party in 2021.
Who would have guessed when Judie Bellingham and her wonderful support crew started all this at The Patchwork Angel store 10 years ago that we would grow to the organisation we are today? It was the forethought of that group which allows our present group to do the wonderful work we do for our community. What started as an acorn of an idea quickly grew into an oak tree and provides members with a wonderful social meeting time as well as having the opportunity to hand make items for those in need within our Sunshine Coast community.
We have not met as a group since February 2020 but that doesn’t mean things aren't happening in the background and for this I must commend the wonderful members and committee. Although we had hoped for a distribution day in June with just the committee in attendance we have received news that the church is not available for use as yet. 
Looking forward to meeting again but for now stay safe and stay at home." 
Susan Hoy (President)

So while our monthly meetings remain in a 'holding pattern' let's take a look at what some of our members and friends have been creating:

Gabriele picked up this marvelous collection of goodies from her Peregian knitting and crocheting group last week and will be delivering them on behalf of Linus to Noosa Salvation Army and Noosa United Synergies.

Sunshine Linus Vice President Janet, has been busy making squares for rugs and Tish Antonia has been helping out!

Sandra found time to model one of the twelve scrub gowns she made for the trainee doctors and nurses at Sunshine Coast University Hospital.  They are able to be washed after the lessons when being used to teach about infection control and of course they will be very much appreciated at this current time.

Two weeks ago Claire made a delivery to Nambour Special School. They loved the school house sports mats so much that they decided that they didn't only want to use them on sports days. They asked her to add loops so they can hang them in one of the school buildings. Here is a picture of the WIRA mat with hanging loops:

Another creation of Claire's is this sensory 'Fish Bowl'. It's a big sturdy bag that fits around a frame and a child stomps around the bag which is filled with bean bag pellets or shredded paper. 

Claire's creativity continued with this selection of fruit and vegetables for lessons on shopping and lastly she has been making clothes for dolls, a fond reminder of her early sewing days. 

Jenny D was able to make a delivery to STEMM this last month. The staff at STEMM are committed to supporting the development  of the children as well as their young mothers and were very excited about the ways they could use the blockenspeils, sensory items and toys. 

Jenny also shared a photo of a sling she made for her 3 year old grandson who fractured his collar bone. We hope he heals up quickly!

Jenny H, Barbara and Kaye tried their hand at making quilts for renal patients while in lock down.

Jenny H created this cute, cat-themed renal quilt.

Barbara made one with an oriental flavour.

Kaye made this funky under-water themed version.

Kaye also pieced this very pretty quilt top using fabric donated by The Patchwork Angel.

A few reminders:

  • Keep an eye on this blog for further updates on possible meetings.
  • If you have any items for distribution contact Jenny D.
  • For those of us who live in hope you might want to check out the following link: Gympie Rotary Quilt and Craft Spectacular

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