Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Busy, busy day!

Wow, they came from everywhere!
So many people!

And look at this fabulous space that the Nambour Uniting Church allow us to use, FOR FREE!
We really couldn't continue without their generosity, and we're very grateful.
Chris Potter, from Gifts4KidsInCare came to talk to us today (that's her standing way over in the corner), to tell us what an impact the gift of a quilt can make on a foster child, and how treasured these gifts are.  We've been supporting her efforts for a couple of years now, and supplied over 250 quilts, but there is still a great need.
Here's Chris and Cynthia (our Secretary) holding two of the quilts that Chris collected from us today to start her winter appeal.  There are a lot more kids in foster care than most of us realise.
With so many in attendance today Show and Tell was quite a long affair.
Quilts, chemo caps, crocheted rugs, knitted items for babies and children, touchy feely quilts and aprons, pieced quilt tops and backs, all manner of tote bags, and sit-upons; the list is endless.
The tables are groaning under today's haul!
Just before I leave you with some photos of individual items to drool over, I'll remind you that we're having an extra meeting on April 15th, mostly to work on making, packing and pricing items for our sales stall at Open Day on August 31st.  (More about that as the time draws nearer.)  Then we're back to our normal meeting on April 29th, which will feature a raggy quilt mini-workshop.
There's always plenty happening!

Cosy baby wraps

This one is such fun

 The stained glass effect is the backlighting from window behind, and the leaves are on the backing.  Pretty, isn't it?
Stunning colours

We're very lucky to have so many talented and generous people making for us.
Thank you all.

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful lot of quilts...amazing effort girls!
