The start of a new sewing year and we had our new Sunshine Linus banner smiling out across the hall. Thanks Claire B and Jenny B for all the hard work.
There was lots of creativity on the distribution table. I don't think our members took much time off over Christmas. They must all love sewing, patchwork, quilting, knitting, crocheting and craft as much as I do. Here are some photos of the wonderful items made for our community.
The Jenny B cutting and Claire B quilting team produced these colourful quilts.
Judie showing Esther's hard work |
Claire T using curtain samples |
"Don't let the pigeon drive the bus" book quilt |
"We're going on a bear hunt" book quilt |
Anne adding some brightness |
Anne solved the Sudoku using patchwork squares |
Anne going dotty |
very neat purple squares |
Yvonne's friend must like cats |
Jo used lots of black and white fabrics with splashes of colour to create these three beautiful quilts.
simple squares put to good use |
Barb made lots of kids clothes |
one of Lyn's I spy quilts - can you find the elephants? |
from lap quilt to wheelchair quilt using 2 strips of velcro |
Dagma's pretty knitted and crocheted rug |
one of Rosemary's touchy feely aprons |
It is interesting to see quilts made by several people. Here we see how Norma took 9 donated machine embroidery squares and made them into a quilt.
Joy's stripy wonder |
Lee used up lots of 1 1/2 inch strips |
I must try sewing curves |
Pink or black? Kaye N made these two quilts in the same design using lots of strips.
If you would like to help children in overseas hospitals then consider making some of these theatre wraps. Moira has done the cutting and has kits ready to make up.
At Sunshine Linus we thrive on donations. We don't just use donated fabric. Some people like to make quilt tops or backs and leave us to put them together. This time we were given a large quilt that the maker wasn't happy with. Denise converted it into four of these colourful quilts.
Margaret was asked to make a touchy feely quilt and apron for a young boy who can't hold things. He will have fun brushing his hands over the objects trying to find the things that make a noise.
lots of colour in this creation |
At today's meeting we had four distribution teams at work rather than one. Well done to our team leaders Barbara, Chris, Sharon and Yvonne - mission accomplished - the distribution table is empty!
Hope to see you at our next meeting on Monday 23 February.