Monday, February 17, 2025

Thursday, January 23, 2025

January 2025

 Our first meeting of the year was a chance for friends to catch up and share stories about projects completed over the break. It was also a time to gather ideas for new projects to be completed in 2025.

Our President, Sharon welcomed everyone back.

Denise let us know that our
2026 Retreat will be held earlier in August 2025. 

Gail briefed the group about the requirements
for touchy feeley items.
If you are not sure what the requirements are, 
please ask Gail or Linda at our next meeting.

Sharon showed us a number of renal quilts she made
using the quilt as you go technique.
Looking at the front view and ... 

the back view.
This quilt was made using the pattern on the blog.

Kaye responded to a request from Estia for an aqua toned "Honour quilt".
This quilt is also called a "Dignity Wrap".
Thank you Kaye.

Kaye also made a beautiful 'Blue Circle" quilt.

Remember there will always be plenty of resources available for your 2025 project at our next meeting,

  • Next Meeting:          February 24, 2025
  • Activity Day:            March 17, 2025
  • AGM:                       March 31, 2025


Monday, January 13, 2025

Reminder: the first meeting of 2025 is on Monday next week.

The January meeting of Sunshine Linus will be held a week earlier on January 20.

Please join us as we start the New Year with old friends and fresh ideas.

Friday, November 29, 2024

2024 Sunshine Linus Retreat

Retreat - a safe and private space to withdraw for study, work and reflection.

The Sunshine Linus retreat at Bribie Island offered participants the opportunity to complete all sorts of projects before the busy Christmas and New Year period. The annual event also provided time for attendees to engage in mini workshops, share ideas and spend time with others.  

Lucky door prizes.
A lovely gift made by Linda and Gail.

The retreat was a wonderful mix of everyone doing their own thing uninterrupted and getting tips from others along the way.


Making the Dance of the Dragonfly
Grace has been working on the stunning quilt 'Dance of the Dragonflies' for a very long time. It is a pattern and each piece was vliesofix so a raw edge applique could be added. Grace confided that a 'long time' was 4 years, what a masterpiece. A job well worth finishing and the retreat was the perfect place to do this.

Robyn has spent ages working on a Kathryn Kerr 365 challenge. The challenge presents quilters with a new 3"or 6 "block everyday of the year. By the end of the year over 400 blocks have been showcased. In 2024, Robyn created a new block every day up until late October and pieced them together at the retreat. She opted to present each quilt block individually rather than as an integrated whole, ensuring that each block is distinctly visible and not overshadowed. The finished product is in the show and tell section of the blog.

The retreat was the perfect place to collate 3 yrs of work. The website  Kathryn Kerr 365 and there is a Facebook page if you would like to know more. Perhaps a project for the New Year?

The range of 365 patterns is amazing.

Chris - adding machine tape beginning.

Barbara working on wheelchair bags, quilt and blockenspiels.
Barbara's quilt in progress.

Pam was concentrating while she worked on a practice piece to perfect her quilting.

Jenny D was working on a really cute 'rat' bookmark and a lap rug, which looked quite complicated but as Jenny explained was quite simple. 

The lap rug entailed a single crochet then a chain.
The combination of 2 rows of sage and 2 rows of multicolor was really effective.

As always there were lots of lovely stories of friendships and family. Sharon H and her sister Linda were working alongside each other on their own projects. Linda had come from Warwick and was finishing a beautiful rug for a Grandson. A productive and fun time.

Sharon and Linda at work.

Denise was creating so many great pieces even though she had mentioned she was currently doing a bit of  únsewing'. 😀 I guess that's what it takes to make the perfect pieces in the show and tell section.

SHOW AND TELL  @ the retreat

Barbara created some Japanese folded bags,
inspired by Carole, following a mini workshop during the retreat.
Japanese folded bags.
Jenny H wasn't able to attend the crazy square workshop at the last activity day.
At the retreat she made a quilt from crazy squares and took photos for the blog.
Pam - panels for quilts
Barbara- 9 patch
Robyn - Christmas placemats
Pam - mug rug using selvedge edges from material.
Robyn - layout of quilt
Barbara - Wonky 9 patch
Kaye Christmas Circles

Barbara- Crazy Cuts
Gail made this quilt last year and
finished it by attaching the binding.

Glorianne - Chandelier quilt.
Glorianne - Plumeria
Glorianne made a bag.
Carole - completed Japanese quilt.

Gail - Floral quilt.
Gail made this lovely Linus quilt.
Kaye - I spy octagonal 

Kaye - Layer Cake Quilt

Kaye- Christmas Panel
Kaye - Circle quilt known as a pie or PI circle.

Grace's Dragonfly Dance.

Kaye's quilted bag.
Chris - Wonky Squares

Jennifer - Wonky Squares quilt.

Jennifer made a bag.
and a beautiful piece of embroidery.
Bev's finished cubes also known as blockspiels.
and wheelchair bags

Kaye - Blue circle quilt
Linda's tartan blanket is ready for her grandson.

Vera's donation quilt to Linus.
Vera manages the House of Happiness
where the retreat is held.

Denise - quilt as you go squares.
Denise - Christmas table runner.
Denise - pretty table runner.
Denise made a bag.
Beginnings of a scrappy bed topper.
Denise- Christmas quilt for an Aunty.

So now all that's left for the year is to wish everyone a safe and happy Christmas.
Our first meeting for 2025 is on Monday January 20. 
Thanks Denise for setting up the shot and thankyou to Jenny H for the photos.